Want to be a fly on my shoulder?
Went to bed at 3:45 am last night. I am an incorrigible night owl.
What was I doing into the wee hours? Manually editing an Excel database for an upcoming email campaign. Ugh.
What used to look like this: David Smith
I turned into this:
This was not fun. At all. Well, actually, seeing how many I could get done before I went completely mad was a little bit fun. (There are 3127 names to do. I got 890 done last night.)
Got up this morning at 10:45:
- Fixed a cup of instant coffee, checked my email, deleted the 287 SPAM emails I got overnight, then answered about a dozen or so real emails.
- Started making a punch list for the computer tech guy I'm going to hire after Thanksgiving.
- Opened Dreamweaver to work for an hour or so on the December issue.
- Called my aunt to try to coordinate a drive down to Oregon tomorrow for Thanksgiving.
- Answered another half dozen emails. My favorite one to read and answer was from Kelly. I will tell you all about Kelly in a future blog. I'll give you a teaser though...I met him through craigslist.org of all things!
- Updated my main website with some changes I've been meaning to do.
- Put in a load of laundry - darks. (I mostly own "darks".....so slimming, you know....)
- Called my son's group home letting them know I'm taking him to dinner tonight.
- Opened the fridge and about keeled over. Some really baaaaaaaaad salmon in there I forgot about. (read "forgot" as "ignored till now")
- Took a shower and applied liberal doses of lotion. ("Chalk" and "my skin" become synonyms during the winter months...)
- Spent half an hour online trying to figure out Google Adsense. (read "trying" as "unable")
- Ate a banana, a granola bar and am washing it down slowly with a Diet Coke.
- Worked on the database again for about twenty minutes (I'm on 1116 now!).
- Hopped over to my blog, and decided maybe I should write something...so now I am writing something.
I absolutely promise I won't put you through anything as dull as this ever again...
Hi Anne, Thank you for sharing your life with me. I love your monthly mag.s. I use to draw to the point of nothing else. It was what I lived for. Then my husband died and I retired from a job I loved but Hated for 30 years and now I've lost my love of art. Oh I still like to look at other peoples work, but whatever it was in me that needed to draw ether died or went to sleep. I'm going to renew my membership. I hope it will 'wake up' my drawing self. Thanks again, Sandy
And thank you for sharing your life, Sandy...
After I made the decision years ago that I could no longer be the sole caretaker of my autistic son, I descended into a year long depression. I went into the abyss loving to garden, and came out 14 months later not caring a whit for it...
So I understand. And like you, I still enjoy gardens and flowers and other people's yards, but just have never had the yen again to muss with my own.
I am glad you still enjoy our magazine. If your own art is meant to spring forth again, well then...I guess it will, in its own time...
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