Wednesday, January 03, 2007

polly wants a square!!

It's 3 am. I'm tired. It's been such an icky 4 days without the internet. There is little that is more difficult than running an online business without the "online" part! I felt like a plumber called onto a big, messy job - and then told the only tools I could use to fix it were scotch tape and kleenex.

But I hopped on here because I have to share this:

Be sure to listen to the audio tape. It blew me totally and completely away. You will not believe it's a parrot talking!

I'm going to bed. I'll write again soon. Honest I will....

g'night, blogosphere...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Ann! Where do you *find* these wondrous things??? Do people send them to you, or is this what the exceptionally-talented mind does at 3am; google "exceptionally-talented birds"!?


Ann Kullberg said...

You are so funny, Holly!

My aunt sent me an article about this bird. I read it, was fascinated, and THEN I googled it!
